That's me on the left. I've been a Christian since 1985. It's hard to believe it's 30 years ago now.
In the time since I've had lapses as most of us have. There have been times I've not been a regular member of a specific local church when circumstances have prevented it.
What I've learned most is that having the right attitude towards God and His design for my life is critical to walking in His path, but that if through my own stubbornness I miss a turn somewhere that He will get me back on track.
My life is far from trouble free. I'm blessed with a wonderful wife and three insane dogs I'd be lost without. There are always things that could be better, but to dwell on them would be to take focus away from Jesus. That's the key.
I try each day to focus on Jesus in my own life and reflect Him to others. My old nature has a bad temper and can be very grumpy, and that's what a lot of folk see when they catch me in a fit of carnality. I just choose to tell them the truth - that I'm forgiven, not perfect. If they want a "perfect" Christian they'd best look in the churchyard since we don't reach perfect this side of death!
I can't say I've never sworn or had a drink. I do enjoy a good scotch or port sometimes. I've never been a real smoker. But I do what I can to relate to people without becoming something other than Jesus's representative to them.
It's not easy sometimes. It always feels like when my temper is at its worst is when I need to be a reflection the most. Let's just say I'm a work in progress.
My writing now is focussed on expanding this blog and working towards creating a print version and online magazine which will incorporate this blog and a members area with some extra features such as videos and audio files for download. The material will be a bit more in depth, and there will be ways for members to contact me more directly and even arrange speaking events in the future.
Most of all I just love Jesus and my family - in that order. I'm a firm believer that it's through loving Jesus we are able to extend the unconditional love our families deserve the most.